Assess Damage


  • Identify any BEVELS that may be broken.

  • Take some measurements of the broken elements.  Be generous.

  • List the  number of pieces, glass by type, and sizes.

  • Identify the type of metal.  Lead, zinc, or brass?

  • Is there are any insulated glass or safety glass panels in the door or window?

  • Locate the trim stop. Is it inside or outside?

  • Try to identify the glass type, using our GLASSES web page.

  • Is the entire insert in the door an Oval, or Rectangle?

  • Overall size, top to bottom and side to side?

Based on an initial phone conversation, usually we can determine the extent of the damage to the glass panels and what types of glass are involved.  After many, many hundreds of these conversations, we’ve learned what questions to ask.
If you can digitally photograph the damages and email or text us the photos,  tentative telephone estimates may be made at no charge.  This type of estimate is not binding, as some damage may not be visible in the photos.


How is the glass installed?

install drawing

In order to give you an accurate estimate, we need to know how the glass is installed into the door or sash:
Your glass insert is usually sealed into the door or sidelight opening with a sealant, usually a clear silicone.  There is a “trim stop” that is nailed around the panel that covers the edge of the glass panel.  That trim is installed with headless nails, frequently caulked and painted over.  More than 90% of the trim stop is installed on the inside.
Once the trim is carefully removed and the sealant is cut with a special knife,  the panel will come out of the door or jamb opening.
Once the repair is complete, we reinstall the panel into the door or jamb using a 35 year rated clear silicone sealant that is designed for glazing commercial buildings, and replace the trim with an air nailer which shoots small headless brads. We then fill the nail holes with a colored putty  or caulk to match the door’s finish.  You still may have to do some touch-up painting or varnishing.